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Balletcore : le classique est tendance!

Balletcore: the Classic is Trendy!

Balletcore transcends fleeting trends in favor of a timeless and refined aesthetic. At VOLUBILIS, we can only applaud wholeheartedly as we discover that our approach aligns perfectly with this movement!...

Balletcore: the Classic is Trendy!

Balletcore transcends fleeting trends in favor of a timeless and refined aesthetic. At VOLUBILIS, we can only applaud wholeheartedly as we discover that our approach aligns perfectly with this movement!...

Le titre de presse l'Opinion parle de VOLUBILIS Paris dans son édition numérique week-end et style

VOLUBILIS PARIS Featured in L'Opinion!

Volubilis Paris designs indoor shoes that are a blend of slipper comfort and the elegance of ballet flats and loafers. These shoes are Made in France, fostering a new way...

VOLUBILIS PARIS Featured in L'Opinion!

Volubilis Paris designs indoor shoes that are a blend of slipper comfort and the elegance of ballet flats and loafers. These shoes are Made in France, fostering a new way...

"Quiet Luxury" : Quand la Simplicité rencontre l'Élégance

"Quiet Luxury": When Simplicity Meets Elegance

"Quiet luxury" stands out by rejecting excessive ostentation. It celebrates a form of personal luxury, where simplicity and attention to detail take precedence over flamboyant branding. At VOLUBILIS PARIS, we...

"Quiet Luxury": When Simplicity Meets Elegance

"Quiet luxury" stands out by rejecting excessive ostentation. It celebrates a form of personal luxury, where simplicity and attention to detail take precedence over flamboyant branding. At VOLUBILIS PARIS, we...

Self-love? Se sentir beau ou belle, c'est déjà se sentir bien!

Self love? To feel Beautiful is already to Feel...

Remember, taking care of yourself is not only beneficial for your own happiness, but it also positively impacts your interactions with others. When you feel good about yourself, you radiate...

Self love? To feel Beautiful is already to Feel...

Remember, taking care of yourself is not only beneficial for your own happiness, but it also positively impacts your interactions with others. When you feel good about yourself, you radiate...

Portrait de Virginie Courtieu, fondatrice de VOLUBILIS PARIS

Portrait of Virginie Courtieu, Founder of VOLUB...

"What would you do if you weren't afraid?" This quote holds significant meaning for Virginie Courtieu, founder of VOLUBILIS Paris, and has been an inspiration in her career. "It reminds...

Portrait of Virginie Courtieu, Founder of VOLUB...

"What would you do if you weren't afraid?" This quote holds significant meaning for Virginie Courtieu, founder of VOLUBILIS Paris, and has been an inspiration in her career. "It reminds...